11 June 2008

if they ask you how I'm holding up...

So far our summer has been fairly injury prone, as you can see. I'm not holding my breath that things are going to change much, though less blood-loss would be a plus. Princess here fell off a slide at our church picnic (funny: we hear someone calling "Slaughter injury!") and bled for quite some time, after which she insisted on going back to the playground and promptly fell off of the ladder, opening it all back up again. A couple of days later, we had lunch at my friend Jen's house, joined by another old friend Kim, and Liam decided to dive off of Jen's table and land on the corner of her wall. He's smart like that. Kids are so fun.

8 "atta girl"s:

dirksgirl said...

eeeewww gwoss!

Melissa said...

oh my word, you were NOT exaggerating. I hope you didn't take them out to the grocery store together like that, you may have gotten strange looks?!

Papa said...

"Somebody help the boy! And the girl!"

Looks like they need to get away to the Great Smoky Mts just to start feeling better.

The Fox Den said...


The Jackson Family said...

I like how you take the front photo and the the side photo, like it's a mug shot or something.

Gosh, they're cute... even with the swollen parts!

Janelle said...

yikes! and i have to ditto the mug shot comment.

Stephanie said...

At least if they'd gotten those injuries running into EACH OTHER, then it'd be almost funny! Poor things.

Stephanie said...

It's nice to know that someone else's kids besides mine look like that a lot of the time!