12 December 2007

he ain't heavy

A couple nights ago, sis, Dave and I were sitting in the living room talking when Warren comes down the stairs with a look of consternation on his face...

Warren: Mom?! Henry just said something really mean to me.

Me: What did he say?

Warren: Well, I can't remember. But it was really bad and mean!

(the rest of us look at each other in disbelief, stifling laughs, and though not caring about the offense per se, curious to know what creativity Henry had come up with)

Me: Tell Henry I want to talk to him.

(Henry comes down w/ his characteristic "Tim" frown and slumped shoulders)

Henry: Yes, Mom?

Me: What did you say to Warren that was mean?

Henry: Um...I told him that Winnie the Pooh was his girlfriend.

(and then we grown-ups proceeded to laugh, snort, and marvel at our lives. Henry slunk off quickly.)

5 "atta girl"s:

T2Irish said...

Oh, the inhumanity of it!! The downright animal nature of his remark! T-I-double-guh-errr is what I say about that!

The Fox Den said...

To cute!

Nic Ridley said...

That's hilarious! lol.

Stephanie said...

I'm about to bust a gut laughing---I did NOT see that one coming, but of course, who would?

Not good. My children are napping, and I'm trying so hard to be quiet! Thanks for the laugh!

The Fox Den said...

I want to see a Birthday Blog post about Dave! Nate and I call Dave "The Man" because he's the man! So you tell The Man Happy Birthday and we think he's great!