30 September 2007

we are frail, we are fearfully and wonderfully made

Gosh! He looks like his Dad here! Well, I get so used to our family, and my kids especially, being fairly healthy, so it really shakes me up when one gets really sick. Warren, our oldest son, had been complaining of some pain since June or July, off and on. The pain seemed mostly in his right leg/knee, and would hurt for a day or two and he would limp severely, and then one day he'd be fine, play soccer, ride his bike, etc. We just thought maybe arch problems ("stop wearing flip-flops!") or growing pains ("here's an Advil"), but it still kept showing up every now and then. Then on Wednesday of last week, he was limping heavily again and avoided walking if he could. I was a little concerned, but then when he woke up the next morning and his right knee was the size of his head, I was definitely freaking out. He could barely walk, and was really lethargic. So we made an appt, spent all day seeing nurse practitioners, Drs, lab techs, and an orthopaedist. The ortho decided Warren's knee needed to be aspirated, as there was way too much fluid to leave in there. My little guy was very tough during the very painful procedure, and the Dr was amazed at his stoicism (so was I!). Yesterday the blood/fluid tests all came back positive for Lyme disease. No, we don't remember seeing a tick, and no, we never saw the "bulls-eye", and no, he hasn't run any fevers. Very strange, but here we are. For about 28 days he'll be on antibiotics, and hopefully that will be enough to kill the bacteria that's attacking his body. Poor guy is so tired and the pain is intermittent right now. He's handling it pretty well, just asking anxiously every now and then if they'll need to stick another needle in his knee. I am thankful this wasn't anything more serious, and that there are such good treatments for Lyme these days. And I have a lot to be thankful for, including that this was the first time I have taken a child in for a "sick" Dr visit in 3 years! I think God has been very gracious. He is so good -- all the time.

13 "atta girl"s:

Candace/Chloe said...

What a brave little guy! We're so glad he's okay and that you all received a quick diagnosis! We'll be praying for a speedy recovery and restored health!

Granny said...

We're praying here...we think you should bring him to Texas to recover.

Lyric said...

Ah, sweet little man! I'll be praying for him and for you...

Rebekah said...

Poor Wes! We'll be praying for you guys as well!

Tami said...

Poor guy! And poor mama! I know how hard it is to endure the medical scene for hours when you know something is wrong. Praying that he will be back to normal soon!

Nic Ridley said...

Poor guy! We'll be praying for him and that he recovers quickly!

Cottle Clan Dobermans said...

Wow-Lyme Disease is pretty scary! I pray he makes a full recovery soon!

Alexander Family said...

Poor thing!!! I am so glad you have such a brave little man. I know you were so proud. We will pray for your little guy and your family.

T2Irish said...

Wes, I'll definitely keep you in prayer buddy! And to mommy and daddy, know that you have a tough little nugget there who, even so young, teaches us much, eh?

p.s. balance out feeding him lime with lemons and oranges and maybe this won't happen again! sheesh! what are you, citrus freaks?

Stephanie said...

We have some friends who moved from Virginia who had Lyme there, too...hmmm....those ticks mean business up there!

I think you ALL need to come back to S.A. to recover. ;)

I admire your bravery! (Oh, yeah...and Wes's, too.)

The Fox Den said...

So thankful the news was lyme disease and not some of the other things suggested! Warren's "Big Time" and so are you... much love.

the mccann clan said...

We'll be praying for a full recovery for your sweet little boy! Much love and many blessings to you all!

Jason Alligood said...

Wow, do I feel like a total crap for not reading up on your blog. Amber told me tonight that she had read up on Warren and his condition. We will definitely be praying!