20 September 2007

I'm strugging to cater for the space I'm meant to fill

Precisely because its been a tough two weeks and even in free time my brain is too tired to think, I've been remiss in posting. I haven't even taken any pictures lately, so no good ones to share with you. Tomorrow I'm heading out for "Posse 07", my annual college-girlfriend-getaway-weekend -- much needed right now! I'll post again when I get back, hopefully in a better frame of mind, and ready to tell you nice things about my children.

In the meantime, if you haven't already, check out the Warren family blog here if you want a good laugh and a dose of what our childhood was like. We had fun putting it together.

2 "atta girl"s:

Stephanie Breuner said...

thinking of you as you live life this week. Have fun with the girls

The Fox Den said...

Loved our get together and laughted through the A team low-down... Love you!