09 July 2007

this is a song for you, far away from me

Today is my oldest baby's birthday, and she is 9. Where has the time gone?? This girl is our family tomboy of sorts, preferring bike-riding and dirt-digging to dress-up and dolls. She is competitive, loves to organize games for her brothers, and is generous with hugs and kisses. One trait she comes by honestly is the Warren-family tendency to make up silly songs with silly words, trying to sing to get a point across instead of talk (ok, really this is my Dad's trait, but well-impressed upon the rest of us), so we always enjoy her new melodies. Right now we're missing her terribly, as she is in the mountains of northern New Mexico with my parents, siblings, grandparents and other assorted relatives. She has made fast friends with my cousin's daughter Bailey, and they are all hiking, fishing, eating, mini-golfing, eating, relaxing, exploring and eating. Can't wait until she's home so I can give her the birthday hug a few days late. I love you Molly-Cat, and am so glad that 9 years ago it was you who showed up! Happy Birthday!

4 "atta girl"s:

T2Irish said...

Happy Birthday Molly!! I hope you are having a grand time in NM as you begin your age-9 year ;-). Be sure to celebrate again when you get home - it's always good to stretch your birthday out!

Stephanie said...

Happy birthday to you, you live in a zoo...oh wait...the tune's not coming across so well in text.

What cute pictures! Did she get any of your genes at all, Kristen? ;)

I can't believe you have a 9-year-old!

The Fox Den said...

Happy Birthday Molly! Can't wait to see you!!!

Stephanie Breuner said...

wow, she really looks like DAve in the top photo coming up the stairs. Must be the deer in headlights look :)