12 February 2007

the manliness of his charm

I need to give appropriate props to my wonderful, gorgeous, thoughtful husband. Yesterday was 10 years since the day he asked me to marry him. Now, my Mom and Dad would say that Dave and I have been engaged for 10 years. As a kid, whenever they would expound on this assumption, I would feel the need to argue (surprised, right?) that this was not the case, and that I would NOT be engaged once I got married. So I can't bear to surrender my long-held antagonistic position that the marriage vows end the engagement, but I will say that I am very thankful that on 11 Feb 1997 Dave asked the smartest question of his life. Anyway, yesterday he remembered (I forgot!)and gave me (us) a new french press, since we had greatly missed having one after our last broke, and so I enjoyed coffee in its purest form. And coffee press or not, I'm the luckiest girl on earth to get to be Dave's wife.

6 "atta girl"s:

Granny said...

Well, you're definitely ONE of the luckiest :-) And yes, your father and I are celebrating 34 years and two months of engagement, blissfully ignoring all the naysayers who want to believe that we somehow broke that engagement during the little ceremony that we barely remember.

Yes, God did give you one of the few real gems in this world, Kristen. Good thing we prayed so hard and so long for him all those years. By the time we met him in '97 we felt like we already knew him! (And Bethany, of course, was already missing him!)

Congrats on ten years of engagement, and may there be many, many more :-)

The Fox Den said...

Dave is top dollar! I'm glad he treats you like a queen! (I do believe that's in our "Posse" regulations and if it's not it should be... :) Dave, I have to say... asking Kris to marry you has to be the smartest thing you've done (and Kristen saying "yes" was even smarter)!

T2Irish said...

too cool for words, that's what I'd say - except it's too cool for words, so I won't say it.

The Fox Den said...

Happy Valentine's Day!
I wrote you a poem:

Please feed
my Slaughter need
and show me pics of your fabulous kids, I plead!!!

Kristen said...

You're so funny...just took pics of the kids-n-snow, but since I'm computer illiterate, have to wait til Dave's home and can upload them. THEN I'll blog them. Be patient (its a virtue).

T2Irish said...

um, that's from the cat who walked across my keyboard...