The "A" team on Thanksgiving Day. Did you ever see such cute sisters? We were sad that CJ couldn't be with us in the picture and we consider her "A" team in our hearts.
24 November 2005
We were young & none of us knew quite what to say
Posted by Kristen at 18:18 7 "atta girl"s
Little did I know how deep these roots had grown
Thanksgiving much thanks. As you can see, Dave is home. He returned Monday, and we have been so grateful to have our family together again. The kids were so excited, though the baby was a bit nervous and had to warm up. We all missed him so much and realized we're no good apart. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving Day, with a very full house (45 I think), lots of noise, tons of food. I am so thankful for a loving, supportive family and great friends. God is good.
Our big news that most of you reading this already know is that we're moving. Dave decided after working, praying, and waiting to see God lead, that we are being led to Virginia where Dave can support his family and we can have our own home again. It is so exciting, this big thing we're doing. It is scary and hard, too, for so many reasons. We have prayed that God will make it very clear and we believe He has, and trust that as the remaining details get worked out, He will continue to show Himself to us. We need to find a house, save money for the move, get packed (by myself!), etc. So, Dave leaves Saturday morning, to drive the loooooong drive back. Graciously, my super-great brother-in-law, Caleb, has offered to drive with Dave instead of flying back with Annie. That will make the trip better for Dave, and less worrisome for me, to know he has help and company. I am having a hard time right now thinking about letting him go again, but walking in faith that this is leading to a new start for us. Right now, we are planning a move between Christmas and New Year if all the plans work the way we hope they will.
While its hard to think about leaving all the family here, its especially hard to leave CJ. Its so hard to see her in so much pain all the time, and sad that her life has temporarily taken a turn that no one would ask for. And so far there's no end in sight. The doctors here at Wilford Hall have done all that they can do, and will hopefully be referring her to a specialist, but we're not sure of anything yet. In the meantime, she still can't work, go to school, drive. And I know that there's nothing I can do to make her feel better. I wish I could take the pain for her. I want to protect this sister that I helped raise and take care of for so many years, and I can't. I want to help her to forget her pain and have fun, and I usually can't do that either. She has been such a good friend and sister to me, helping me raise my children, having stupid fun with me, being a good reminder of patience and endurance. I want to give her something back. So I pray for her and love her as best I can. And trust that as always, God is good.
Posted by Kristen at 18:16 6 "atta girl"s
08 November 2005
Indicate precisely what you mean to say
Updating the blog hasn't been highest on my priority list, which I'm sure doesn't surprise any of you. After 11 days of Dave being gone, I'm bored of this. We have 13 days until he's back. A happy thing is that we got webcams, so now the kids and I can see him and talk to him. I'm hoping that will help the baby not forget him. The kiddos are really starting to get sad about him being away, and they ask about him a lot. Molly is having a tough time without him, and also with the idea of maybe moving. I think it will be the hardest on her, and so I'm trying to be sensitive to that as we talk and plan.
Dave is doing well in VA. He is enjoying the work so far, loving the cooler weather that is eluding us here in Texas. I think I'll have more of an update of where we believe God is leading in my next blog. For now we keep praying that His will is clearly laid out for us.
CJ is back at the Dr today, and we're hoping for something. We don't know what. Well, healing I guess. She is discouraged, and still in pain. Hopefully this long road won't be too much longer.
I have a friend who is suffering. Really suffering. And I hate it. Its so hard to watch someone you love hurting. Especially when you can do nothing to stop it. His ways are higher than our ways.
Posted by Kristen at 07:58 3 "atta girl"s